Memorandum of Partnership between the Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Technical University. On January 16, 2015, an official meeting was held dedicated to signing a Memorandum of Partnership between the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia and The Technical University. On behalf of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences the meeting was attended by the following members of the Academic Board: Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy, Acad. Givi Japaridze, the vice president , Acad. Napoleon Karkashadze, the Head of the Scientific Board, Academicians: O. Keshelashvili, T. Kunchulia, Z. Tskitishvili, N. Chxartishvili, R. Maxaroblidze, R. Chagelishvili, N. Baghaturia, G. Tkemalaze, E. Shapakidze, the member-correspondent of Academy, Dr. A. Giorgadze - the Vice President and the Head of the Administration, and other staff members of the Academy. From the side of the Georgian Technical University, the ceremony of signing of the present memorandum the following persons were present: Academician A. Prangishvili, the Rector of the University, Professors L. Klimiashvili and Z. Gasitashvili, and T. Batsikadze, the Vice-Rector of the University, Prof. G. Salukvadze, the Secretary of the University Academic Council, Prof. G. Kvartsxava, the Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and Bio-systems Engineering, Prof. G. Kvartsxava, the Head of Monitoring Department, and Prof. I. Kruashvili. The Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia and Acad. A. Prangishvili, the Rector of the University affirmed in their official address that signing of the memorandum is important because it is a frame-work between two organizations which specifies the cooperation in the following areas: production of agrarian products, working out maintenance and processing technologies; development of the agrarian systems and services, growth of forestry industry, management of agrarian business, training of agricultural science specialists, involvement of University staff members into the field coordinating groups. According to the Terms of Memorandum, the The Academy and the University should carry out the following activities: organize meetings, scientific-research work, seminars, round tables and symposiums; participate in preparation and publication of teaching and guiding materials, develop training and educating/enlightening projects, initiate co-participation in different initiatives, programs and projects in accordance with the spheres of interests from both sides. The Memorandum envisages the effective employment of scientific personnel in creating innovative systems of agrarian sciences, as well as the students’ active involvement in on-going projects.
The following meeting participants stipulated their opinion regarding the issues discussed during the meeting: Acad. Napoleon Karkashadze, Academicians: O. Keshelashvili, T. Kunchulia, Z. Tskitishvili, N. Baghaturia, G. Tkemalaze, Prof. Kvartsxava, T. Batsikidze, and others. At the end of the meeting Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy, and Acad. Prangishvili, the Rector of the Technical University signed The Memorandum of Partnership agreement, which came into forth immediately upon the signing. A photo: From left - Acad. Prangishvili, the Rector of the Technical University and Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences. A photo: Discussion of the Memorandum by the Academic Council of the AASoG. A photo: The memorandum is signed by Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy
Information Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia has been elected a of the CGIAR (Consortium of International Agricultural Research) Council member. CGIAR has the Fund Council, which is a representative body of the donor funds and it directs finances. As a decision-making body, the Fund Council makes decisions on the resources utilization priorities and appoints independent Scientific and Partnership Council which unites world notorious experts whose advices are considered by the Council. CGIAR unites fifteen scientific-research centers in the sixty-five countries, among them twenty-five are developed countries. The Countries with the voting right are as follows: China, Indochina, Japan, Russia, Caribbean, Mexico, Figgie, Sahara Africa, Nigeria, North and South Africa, Iran, Ireland, Norway, Holland, Switzerland, Great Britain, North America, Australia, and Canada. The organizations with voting right are: FAO, IFAD, GFAR and CACAARI. The Scientific Council of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia congratulates Acad. Guram Alexidze with the prestigious appointment, in consequence with the international support of his candidacy
Meeting with the Minister of the Adjarian Agriculture
On February 13, 2015 a meeting with the representatives of Adjarian Ministry of Agriculture: Zaur Putkaradze, the Minister, and Suliko Beridze, the Deputy Minister was held at the Academy of Agriculture. The meeting attended the members of the Scientific Council of the Academy, the real members of the Academy and the academicians, also the Academy staff members. The guests from Sukhumi State University, Prof. Vajha Todua and Irakli Dvali, the Head of the Farmers and Mechanization specialists’ Union participated in the meeting. The meeting was opened by Acad. Guram Alexidze who stated the importance of the Memorandum signed between the Ministry of Ajara and The Academy of Agrarian Sciences on cooperation and partnership. Minister Putkaradze talked about the current situation in agriculture and farming in the Ajara region and outlined the future plans. In his presentation, Mr. Putkaradze mentioned some negative aspects which were characteristic for the region until 2013. The minister also outlined the priorities of the Ajara agricultural development program, talked about traditional and supportive fields, the results and future tendencies of the carried out activities. Different programs fulfilled with the help of local and international financing through donor organizations were also highlighted during the speech. The presentation raised a live interest among the listeners and it was followed by the questions. At the end, the meeting was positively evaluated by the participants, namely, by Acad. N. karkashadze, N. Chitanava, G. Papunidze, R. Makharoblidze, E. Shapakidze. Vice-president, Givi Japaridze mentioned the particular importance of the meeting because it gave a detailed account of the work carried out in the region, and outlined its future perspectives. He also added that it would be advisable for other organizations to declare about and discuss the problems of agriculture together with The Academy Scientific Board and with the field specialists, considering the fact that the GAAS is an official government advisor in the field of Agriculture. The closing speech was delivered by Acad. Guram Alexidze, who emphasized particular importance of close practical and scientific cooperation between the Ministry of Ajara and The Academy, as well as between the researchers who are working in the same field.
Valerian Tsanava -80 The Academic Council of The Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia, the member-correspondents |
Information The Meeting of the members of The Academy of Agricultural Sciences
On February 27, 2015, the Meeting of the members of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences was held. The Meeting Agenda: presentation of the results of the scope of work carried out by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences for the year of 2014, and perspective working plans for 2015. The Chief presenter was Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy. A full account on the conducted projects by each of the departments of the Academy in the 2014 was declared at the meeting. Presenters were: Academicians Z Tskitishvili, R. Makharoblidze, N. Baghaturia, O. keshelashvili. - The meeting listened to the information about the the results of the Contest which revealed the Best Scientist in the field of Agrarian Sciences. (presenter, Acad. Givi Japaridze). - Other important problems were discussed during the meeting, and the participants took active part in the discussion of the current issues. - The meeting results were positively evaluated by the majority of the meeting participants.
Scientific Conference
On March 13, 2015, a scientific Conference was held in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The aim of the conference was a presentation of the project: “Mathematical Modeling of bio-systems, and its use in integrated protection of citruses”. The supervisor of the project: Acad. Guram Aleksidze. The Conference was organized within the framework of the Georgian National Shota Rustaveli Grant Program. The Conference participants were the researchers and the specialists from different scientific centers, such as: the Academy of Agriculture, Georgian scientific center of agriculture, Batumi University, Georgian Technical University, Georgian Agrarian University, and other invited guests. The Conference opening speech was delivered by the Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the supervisor of the grant project. The key presenters were: Dr. Avtandil Murvanidze, Batumi University professor, and Dr. Leri Nozadze, from Samtskhe-javakheti State University. The problems discussed during the Conference were positively evaluated by the meeting participants who identified high scientific value of the research conducted within the framework of the project, also outlined the practical importance of the research results.
International Cooperation
The Deputy Head of the Academy of Agriculture, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze participated in International Conference: “Feeding theory and practice of cattle and poultry”, which was held in Kiev, Ukraine, on March 12-13, 2015. The Conference was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the well-known academician, Grigor Bogdanov. During the visit, an official meeting was held with the Rector, Professor Sviatoslav Nikolaenko, with the Dean of faculty of Cattle breeding and Water bio-resources, Dr. Vadim Boichuk. A Memorndum of Co-operation was signed between the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, and The National University of Ukraine, which is one of the oldest centers, and it is rated as number one among agrarian universities of Ukraine, which is included in the first five best universities of the country. The University comprises 12 study and research centers, and 11 scientific-research institutes, 21 faculties, 3 testing stations, and 7 study-testing plots, 2 agro-technical institutions, 8 colleges, 2 technical colleges, and study and consulting centers. The University prepares the specialists in all directions of agrarian sciences and has established productive cooperation with the Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine and other institutions of the Academy. The study and research process is successfully implemented under the guidance of 300 highly professional academic staff members, among them there are 51 academicians and real members of the Agrarian Academy. The University staff also includes 170 professors and 680 Associate Professors. The Deputy Head of the Academy of Agriculture, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze also visited and studied the University laboratories and a museum of anatomy, a vet clinic, a scientific-study lab of bee-breeding, also scientific-testing industry in horse-breeding, fishery and poultry. On March 13, International Scientific Conference was held. The Meeting was headed by the Dean of the Faculty of Cattle-breeding and water resources, Dr. Prof. Vadim Boichuk. University Rector Dr. Prof. Sviatoslav Nikolaenko greeted the Conference participants and made a speech. The papers were also delivered by the Vice-rector, Prof. Acad. Nikoloz Bashenko, The Director of Cattle-breeding Scientific Instititute of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Evgeny Rudenko, The Deputy Head of the Academy of Agriculture, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze, The vice –director of the cattle –breeding scientific center of the National Agrarian Academy of Belarus,Dr. Igor Petrushko, Company –“Oltek-Ukraina” General Director Nikoloz Tomani, and others. After the Plenary meeting the Conference participants continued working in 2 sections: The modern achievements in cattle breeding, and the technologies in agrarian food production. The Conference participants were conferred the certificates and photos of Conference participation. At the end of the conference the special dinner was served in honor of the participants. The Ukrainian colleagues expressed their wish to visit Georgian Academy of Agrarian Sciences in May 2015, and discuss the problems dealing with successful development and management of the field within the framework of the cooperation of the two Scientific-research institutions. University Rector Dr. Prof. Sviatoslav Nikolaenko and Deputy Head of the Academy of Agriculture, |
Information Training Center for farmers and agricultural specialists On January 21, 2015, Georgian Academy of Agrarian Sciences founded the Center for farmers and agricultural specialist as one of its units, the aim of which is to raise qualification of the farmers and the specialists engaged in the agriculture. The Center has its Charter confirmed by the Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the President of the Academy. Acad. Omar Keshelashvili was appointed the head of the Center. |
Information The Academy of Agrarian Sciences holds a seminar in the Kumisi Paultry Factory On 20/III 2015, Georgian Academy of Agrarian Sciences held a seminar at the Kumisi Paultry Factory to discuss the important and urgent problems of the field. The Seminar was led by Acad. Jemal Gugushvili, who holds a position of the Secretary of the Scientific Council at the Academy the Agrarian Sciences. The participants of the Seminar were: Dr. A. Giorgadze - the Vice President, the coordinator of cooperation between Academy and the farmers, Dr. Ambrosi Chkuaseli, Dr. Prof. Maia Khutsishvili, and the Head of the Administration, Dr. Prof. G. Gagoshodze, Dr. Prof. Buchukuri, Dr. Prof. Giorgi Madzgharashvili, and other members of the Academy staff. Tamaz Edisherashvili delivered a speech to give a detailed account of the scope of work carried out by the factory. The panel presentation was made by Dr. Maia Khutsishvili on: The present stage of development of the poultry industry in Georgia and its perspectives. The Vice-president of the academy, Dr. A. Giorgadze, in his presentation discussed different aspects of further expansion perspectives of the branch. Prof. Ambrosy Chkuaseli in his speech spoke about the importance of the quality of food and of the balanced diet in the increase of effectiveness and the improvement of quality of production in poultry industry. All participants took part in the debate held at the end of the seminar. Acad. Jemal Gugushvili in his speech tried to sum up the ideas, opinions and the remarks made during the seminar. He stressed out the importance of the visiting seminar as it provides opportunity to maintain a close cooperation between the researchers and the practitioners. He also stipulated his positive attitude regarding the memorandum which should be officially signed by the parties: the Academy of Agrarian Sciences on the one hand, and the Kumisi Poultry factory on the other. The seminar participants observed the factory’s construction, its technical base, and production technologies. |
Information On march 20, 2015, the Meeting of the Academic Council of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences was held. The president of the Academy made a speech and the present-day problems were discussed. Particularly, the Council, at the end of the meeting concluded that it is highly advisable for the Academy of Agrarian Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Georgia to work out a joint regulation of the two above mentioned academies. The main function of the both academies is to define priorities in researches and coordinate research-scientific work. It was decided that in case of eliminating the status of associate member-academician, the number of real member academicians to be elected in the academy should be increased within the framework of the assignments defined by the state budget. Otherwise, the academy staff will diminish gradually. The members of the Council of Agrarian Sciences also presented their consideration to the Parliament of Georgia that the Academy should be renamed, and it should be referred as, “ Georgian State Academy of Agrarian Sciences”. The following participants stipulated their opinion about the problems discussed at the meeting. Academicians: G. Japaridze, G. Tsagurishvili, , J. Katsitadze, N. Baghaturia, R. Makharoblidze, V. Tsanava, E. Shapakidze. The meeting worked out the following resolution: 1.1. The opinions expressed during the meeting should be informed to the Committee of Science, Education and Culture of Georgian Parliament. 1.2. The announcement in the newspaper “Sakartvelos Respublika” March 6, 2015, # 42 on the election of the real members of the academy should be suspended until the question of academy membership is in the process of discussion in the Parliament of Georgia. |
The Academy of Agrarian Sciences Congratulate Academician Napoleon Karkashadze with the 80 year Anniversary
On May 15, 2015 the Academy congratulated Academician Napoleon Karkashadze with the 80 year anniversary. N. Karkashadze, the Doctor of Economic Sciences, is a prominent member of the Georgian, Russian and International Academies of Agricultural Sciences; head of the scientific council of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Scientific council of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences congratulates N. Karkashadze with the jubilee and wishes a long, healthy life and success in his scientific, as well as social life. The President of the Academy, AcademicianGuram Alexidze congratulates Acad. Napoleon karkashadze.
One group of the participants |
Round Table Agro-engineering Educational Program On May 13, 2015 a Round Table around the problem of “Agro-engineering BA Educational Program” was held at Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia which was prepared at Technical University of Georgia. The members of the Academy, Rezo Maxaroblidze, A. Didebulidze, Academician Dr. Giorgadze participated Round Table. Also, the Technical University was presented with the following persons: The author of the program, the national Coordinator of hydro-meliorate direction of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences ( AAS), Dr. Sc., Prof. Irakli Kruashvili, and Deputy head of scientific hydro- meliorate group, Assoc. Prof. Zurab Lobjanidze. Round Table seminar was attended by the other members of Technical University: Prof. D. Gubuladze, Dr. Ormotsadze, Dr. Maisashvili, Dr. Bziava. The discussion around the target issue was held and the participants expressed their personal opinion and shared the criticism expressed regarding the problem on the agenda. The Round Table was organized on the basis of the existed Memorandum between the Academy and Technical University. The discussion of the educational programs in the framework of Round Table.
Information Conference on: “Sustainable Development of Georgia”
On May 15, 2015, in the hall of Georgian Association of Journalists’ House, a Conference on: “Sustainable Development of Georgia” was held. It was organized by Check community in Georgia. (The President of the Check community in Georgia, Harold Shmaltsel). The the participants of the Conference were the representatives of: Georgian Patriarchy, the Check Embassy in Georgia, the council of Security Service, and Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The following presentations were delivered: “Sustainable Development of Georgia”, presenter Harold Shmaltsel. “Food Safety in Georgia”, presented by Acad. Omar Keshelashvili, and “The stages of development of Georgian culture policy” - the paper delivered by Nino Gunya, the EU expert in Georgia. In the second part of the Conference a discussion was held round the problems presented at the Conference with active participation of Member-correspondent, Acad. Paata Koghuashvili. |
Information On May 20, 2015, in the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia, a scientificConference on “The Present Condition of Georgian Mountainous Forests” was held. The Conference was organized by “The National Coordinators of Forestry Direction” at the Academy of Sciences of Georgia. The article presented by Revaz Chagelishvili, the National Coordinator of forestry direction at the Academy of Sciences of Georgia dealt with “The Principles of Sustainable Development of Forestry in Georgia”. Acad. Giorgi Gagoshidze, National Coordinator of forestry direction at the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, spoke about existed problems in education in the area of forestry studies. Lasha Dolidze, a member of national coordinators’ group of forestry direction, spoke about forest protection problems. Prof. Dr. Temur Kandelaki and free expert Merab Dvali delivered presentations and took active part in the Conference work. |
International Seminar On May 28, in the Company of “Lomtagora”, an International Seminar (Georgia- Azerbaijan), of the IWWIP Program on improvement of autumn wheat was opened, the aim of which was sharing of international experience. The participant countries presented articles dealing with the current problems in the area. The Seminar was organized by the UN Food and Agriculture organization, (FAO) also by SIMMIT and ICARDA. The representatives of more than forty countries, (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, Uzbeck, and others) participated in the Seminar. The Seminar was attended by the representatives of Ministry of Agriculture, the Agriculture Research Center, Agrarian Committee of the Georgian Parliament, members of non-governmental organizations, and farmers. From the Academy of Agricultural Sciences the following persons took active part in the work of the Seminar: Acad. Omar Keshelashvili and Jemal Gugushvili, Member-correspondent Otar Liparteliani, the Vice President, the coordinator of the scientific departments, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze, and the Assistant of the President, the coordinator of the international relations – Tinatin Epitashvili. The Company “Lomtagora” has already created and registered the corn and wheat species which can be distinguished for their abundant harvest and the resistance to different diseases. These species are sown in different regions of Georgia according to the sea level, and can be characterized by its rich harvest. “Lomtagora” today is actually the only specialized seed production company in the country, which gradually broadens its activities. This year, the company has introduced and almost completed the construction and maintenance of the warehouses for silos preservation, equipped with “TUDORS”, the modern technology, where 2000 tons of wheat can be kept. The containers with 1000, 500, and 200- ton capacity, equipped with modern technologies can carry out the following technological processes in an automatic regime: drying, keeping and sorting. Nowadays, in Georgia, one of the most critical problems is the accommodation of corn, because the process of drying and keeping the moisture of technological condition to – 12-14% in order to get a high quality product is very important. The Company “Lomtagora” offers to the farmers the services, equipped with corresponding technologies which guarantee the above-mentioned quality. The main problem of the farmer is to deliver the harvested product to the company, where it is weighted, the moisture is measured and is automatically located in the containers for drying process. After reaching a desirable level of drying, it will be relocated into cooling containers, and in case the owner wishes so, it will be allocated in the a corn-keeping container. The high quality of keeping is guaranteed by advanced technologies installed there. Computer technologies control the moisture, if needed, it switches the fans, and in case these measures are not sufficient, it starts turning the wheat upside down with the capacity of 50 tons per hour, which will finally ensure the lowering of the level of moisture to the indicated point. Actually, there is no risk factor that will cause corn decay. One more novelty which the company offers to the farmers is the procession of wheat seed with the help of German technologies. Recently, another newly-installed plant for processing of the wheat and other grains fulfills the operations of cleaning and sorting according to European standards. The grain will be packed and will be sent to the plant, where the product will be cleaned, treated with pesticides and packed in 25 or 50 kg sacks upon the client’s demand. The company Lomtagora offers to its clients the different sorts of A class locally produced wheat seeds processed according to the high standards which have passed breed-testing and is adapted to subsequent zone and climate conditions. A grain keeping plant equipped with modern technologies. Acad. Omar Keshelashvili and Jemal Gugushvili, member-correspodent of AASG Otar Liparteliani, The Vice President, the coordinator of the scientific departments, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze, The Vice President, the coordinator of the scientific departments, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze and Acad. Omar Keshelashvili. |
On June 01-05, 2015, at the National Academy of Sciences an exhibition was held dedicated to the “Innovative and science -related production”. From the Academy of Agricultural Sciences the following members took part in the exhibition: Acad. Revaz Makharoblidze, Jemal katsitadze and Tengiz Kurashvili. The technologies and new scientific product presented by them was highly appreciated, and all three academicians were awarded with the Certificates. In future, the necessary materials will be prepared to ensure the innovations’ implementation in the production. The Academic Department of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences |
International Scientific Conference in Azerbaijan. On 1-6 June, 2015, in the city of Azerbaijan, Baku, the scientific conference dedicated to Bio-diversity of Eurasian countries was held. About two hundred representatives of nine countries participated in the conference. The panel discussion was opened by the president of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan – Academician Akip Alizade. The conference participants were greeted by the Minister of Agriculture of Azerbaijan – Haidar Asadov, the rector of Turkish Ramic Cale University – Husein Bahchi. The academician of Kazack National Academi of Sciences – Irida Huseinova, the mmber-correspondent of GAAS, the rector of Batumi Shota Rustaveli University – Prof. Rezo Jabnidze, The director of Mardagiani Dendrology and Biodiversity Scientific Institute – Acad. Topic Mammadov, Sukhumi University professor Vajha Todua, the rector of Belarus University, professor Ana Bulatova, and others. Each working day of the Conference was planned for working in different sections, as well as for field and practical work. The main focus the Conference made on the following issues: the results of hydro-biological researches and the maintenance of bio-technological processes, the problems of annual/yearly and fruit cultures, also the implementation of bio-peculiarities in genetic, selective, agro technical, hydrological, ecological and other directions.
Sitting from left to right: Prof. Husain Bahchi –The Rector of the University of Turkey, HaidarAsadov, |
Information Meeting with the representatives of the Republic of Korea
On June 17, 2015, Dr. Sok-young Lee, the director of Scientific Center of Agro-biodiversity of the Academy of Agriculture of Korea and a scientist from the same institution, Dr. Hong Park visited the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The meeting with the guests, held at the Academy, was attended by the following academicians: Guram Aleksidze, Givi Japaridze, Nodar Chkhartishvili, Revaz Chagelishvili, V. Kvaliashvili, G. Margvelashvili , O. Keshelashvili, the academy member-correspondents: E. Shapakidze, T. Turmanidze, O. Liparteliani, Deputy President, Dr. A. Giorgadze, the Deputy President in international affairs T. Epitashvili, invited guests from Agrarian University D. Magradze, and the staff members of Scientific Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture. The meeting was opened by the President, Guram Aleksidze who dealt with the significance of bio-diversity and its preservation. In his speech, Dr. Dr. Sok-young Lee spoke about the structure, functions and activities carried out by the National Center for Biodiversity of Korea. In his speech he particularly mentioned the role of Gene Resource Bank in the development of agriculture. He expressed his wish to test out Georgian annual/yearly breeds in Korea, and vice versa, test of Korean breeds in Georgia. The presentation delivered by Dr. Sok-young Lee raised great interest among the meeting participants, and the presenter answered various questions dealing with the problems mentioned in his speech. At the same meeting, Acad. Guram Aleksidze and Dr Sok-young Lee signed the Contract of Mutual Cooperation for five years. The framework of the cooperation between the two agro-biodiversity centers is broad and it covers many directions, namely cooperation in exchange of new breeds, development of structure of Genetic Resource Bank, and implementation of new breeds, as well as the improvement of scientific-research work and retraining of young specialists in the field, so that they would be able to participate in the exchange scientific programs.
From left: The president of GAAS, Acad. Guram Aleksidze, the Director of Scientific Center of Agricultural Academy of Sciences, The process of signing the contract on mutual partnership between the GAAS and the Center of Agro-biodiversity. Korean guests and one group of members of Georgian Academy. |
Information: The Chinese scientists at the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
On June 19, 2015, a delegation from Scientific Research Institute of Forestry from Chinese Autonomous Region Ningxia with the head of professor Zhao Shihua visited the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia. The delegation included five members, out of which the four members represented the departments of the Research Institute. The meeting with the Chinese colleagues attended the following members of the Academy: Academician Guram Aleksidze, the president of the Academy, the Deputy president, Dr. A. Giorgadze, the Head of Academic Department, Acad. E Shapakidze, Acad. O. Keshelashvili, the Assistant of President in international affairs T. Epitashvili. The Chinese guests were presented by the Head of Scientific-research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. L. Ujmajuridze. The President, G. Aleksidze, in his presentation delivered important information to the guests about the structure, functions and the scope of the scientific work carried out by the Academy. He mentioned that Georgian Academy has signed the contract of cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and that the parties keep close scientific contacts. Also the Academy has fruitful collaboration with the international scientific-research centers, and among them is the Center of Agro-biodiversity of the Academy of Agriculture of Korea. Professor Dong presented to the audience the main directions of the research activities of the Institute which he represented. He mentioned that Chinese part is interested in viticulture and wine production of Georgia, so he informed the meeting participants about the steps taken by them in this direction. China recognizes the significance of unique Georgian vine breeds and original techniques of winemaking, including the production of wine in ceramic wine-vessels, called “Kvevri” which are dug deeply into the ground of wine cellars. The parties expressed their wish to establish close partnership between the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the Scientific Research Institute of Forestry of China. The meeting with the Chinese delegation at the Academy of Sciences of Agriculture. Tbilisi, 19.06.2015 |
Information Round Table at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia
On June 23, 2015, at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences a Round Table was held which discussed the problem of “The perspectives of education and training of the highly qualified personnel in agrarian sphere. In the work of the Round Table the following real members of the Academy, the academicians G. Japaridze, R. Makharoblidze, A Didebulidze, A Vashakidze, T Kurashvili, Z. Ttskitishvili, N. Baghaturia, J. Oniani, G. Gugushvili, R. Chagelishvili, I. Vasadze, V. Kvaliashvili, G. Margvelashvili, O. Keshelashvili, and the correspondent members of the Academy E. Shapakidze, T. Turmanidze, the Deputy of the President, A. Giorgadze, and other invited guests, the Dean of the Bio-systems Engineering Faculty at the Agrarian Universityaculty– Prof. G. Kartskhava, the Faculty members Prof. I. Kruashvili, G. Gagoshidze, Z. Lobjanidze, and the Rector of Gori Sukhishvili study University, Vice Rector, Prof. V. Sukhishvili. The Round Table was headed by the Vice President, acad. Givi Japaridze who, in his introductory speech mentioned the actuality of the problem, discussed in details the role of the Academy in revitalizing agrarian education, also he spoke about the faculties and directions, and the programs of agrarian education, the new vision worked out by the academy towards the educational programs. The Dean of of the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and Bio-systems Engineering of Georgian Technical University, Prof. Giga Kvartskhava spoke about the the structure, functions, the staff and perspectives of the newly opened faculty, also mentioned the significance of the role of the Academy who takes active part in successful development of the faculty. All participants of the discussion mentioned that the country faces big deficit of agrarian specialists. It is vital that the educational programs should be based on the scientific experience and the curriculum of foreign universities. It is urgent to find the proper plots for the students, so that they could carry out their field work in the vicinity of Tbilisi. It is also advisable for the lecturers to use creatively the scientific works of the Georgian scientists and academicians who work in the field of agriculture while developing the curriculum and subject syllabi. The experienced scientists could carry out the work supervising Ma and PhD students’ doctorate thesis and researches. The Round Table participants also approved the suggestion that all educational programs and curriculum of Faculty of Agrarian Sciences and Bio-systems Engineering of Georgian Technical University be discussed by the field departments of the Academy. The same process took part when educational program in agro-engineering was closely reviewed by the Scientific Department of Agro-engineering Department at the Academy. The on-going process in this direction is well-depicted in the memorandum signed by the two universities. The Round Table is directed by the Vice-President of the Academy – Acad. Givi Japaridze. The members of the Academy and invited guests participated in the process. |
Information Round Table dedicated to the Wind Protecting Zones in Georgia On June 24, 2015, a Round table at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences was organized by Scientific Council of the Academy. It was dedicated to the study and assessment of the wind protecting zones in Georgia and the further plans regarding the problem. The following persons took active part in the work of the Round table: the vice president, acad. Givi Japaridze, Acad. E. Gugushvili, member-correspondent E. Shapakidze, Vice President, Dr. A. Giorgadze, the members of Scientific Board, and other invited guests. The workshop was headed by Acad. E. Gugushvili. The panel presentation on: “The existed state of wind protecting zones in Georgia and future perspectives in this direction” was delivered by national coordinator of the Academy of the forest protection, Dr, Prof. G. Gagoshidze. The Round table participants, namely, Acad. G. Japaridze, E. Shapakidze, Dr. L Dolidze, G. Madzgarashvili, Prof. Rusieshvili, E. Buchukuri and T. Chumburidze actively participated in the discussions held at the round table. The participants of the discussion pointed out that existed situation regarding the wind protecting zones in Georgia is rather problematic; those zones in many regions have been rather damaged due to the hard economic conditions of the local population. This situation badly affected on growth and production of annual and perennial plants in Georgia. It is urgent that adequate measures should be applied by the Ministries of Natural Resources and Protection of Natural Resources; also, Georgian Parliament should start discussion round the draft law on “Wind protecting zones” worked out by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It is important that the population should be adequately informed about the role and functions of the wind protecting zones. The decisions adopted by the round table participants should be delivered to the both ministries and to the Georgian Parliament. The work carried out by the workshop participants was summed up by Elguja Gugushvili who pointed out the strategic importance of the problem for the Georgian agriculture. Also he focused on the role the Academy should play in the effective solution of the problem under consideration. Photo: 1. The head of the Round table, Acad. E. Gugushvili and the main presenter, the Doctor of Sciences, Prof. G. Gagoshidze. Photo 2. Scientists and invited guests - the participants of the Round table.
Congratulation Academician Tamaz Kunchulia On the first of July, 2015, an outstanding Georgian scientist, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tamaz Kunchulia will celebrate the 80-year anniversary from his birth. The Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences congratulates with 55 anniversaries of the creative work he carried out in the field of science and pedagogy, and wishes him long, healthy life, and fruitful, creative scientific work. |
The Round Table on the existed situation in agro-engineering On 29 June, 2015, at the Georgian Academy of the Agriculture, a round table on the following topic was held: “The Increase of the role of the Consulting - information Centers in the regions in agro-engineering spheres”. In the work of Round table the following persons took part: Acad. Givi Japaridze, Acad. R. Makharoblidze, and O. Keshelashvili, the secretaries of the Agro-engineering and Economic departments, Acad. E. Shapakidze, the head of Academic Department, and the grant project director, (R/454/10-140/14); Dr. A. Giorgadze, the Vice President, Academicians J. Katsitadze, and A. Didebulidze; also the staff members of the academic department and the participants of the Project which has been a winner of the State Grant for the Fundamental Researches in the 2014. The project title is: “Working out the methodology of selecting the rational number of agricultural technical devices on the basis of calculation of the power costs of technological processes according to the regions, types of cultures and the territories those cultures occupy.” The workshop participants also were the main staff members and the assistant staff members, namely, G. Chitaia, G. Mosashvili, R. Japaridze, K. Bodzashvli, and M Mosashvili. The Round table discussion was held with active participation of the invited guests: I. Abuladze, the first deputy Minister of Ajara region, R. Dzidzishvili, N. Kiknavelidze, M Lomsadze, O. Chkhartishvili, and A. Mikava, the heads of consulting-information service centers of the following regions: Sagarejo, Imereti, Mtskheta-Mtianeti, Shida kartli, Guria, and Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti. N. Tsikhelashvili, N. Javakhishvili, R. Gogoladze, T. Lobjanidze , M. Nijharadze, A, Vashakmadze, S. Shervashidze, A. Kakaladze, and D. Shantadze, who are the heads of the consulting-information service centers of the following regions: Dmanisi, Sagarejo, Akhalkalaki, Oni, Khelvachauri, Kedi, Shuakhevi, and Khulo. Also, the editor of the journal “ New Agrarian Georgia” , Shota Macharashvili participated in the Round table discussions. The academician Givi Japaridze greeted the participants of the Round table discussions with the opening speech on behalf of the Academy of Agrarian Sciences. R. Makharoblidze talked about the role and the perspectives of the agro-engineering service centers. Member correspondent of the Academy, the head of the grant program, E. Shapakidze discussed the problem of determination of the nomenclature of the techniques and its size according to the agricultural product produced in the regions and according the size of the plot of the cultures. Acad. Omar Keshelashvili in his speech discussed the significance of raising qualification of the farmers and the specialists involved in the field of agriculture. Regarding the problems raised during the meeting, the following participants stipulated their opinion: I. Abuladze : the first deputy Minister of Ajara region, R. Dzidzishvili, N. Kiknavelidze, M Lomsadze, O. Chkhartishvili, A. Mikava, N. Tsikhelashvili, N. javakhiashvili, R. Gogoladze, and T. Lobjhanidze. The top executive of the grant project, Givi Mosashvili. The representatives of the regions and administrative units pointed out the problems which are urgent in the regions, among them were: - inadequate qualification of the technical personnel and the problems issuing from this; - the management and exploitation of the techniques. - the number and the types of technical devices in the municipalities should be specified according to the territorial units. For this purpose, it is necessary to submit to the Academy a detailed description of the regions’ parameters and the size and the technical condition of the equipment necessary for the region. - the small size mechanization service centers should be set up which would be supplied in a non-stop regime with necessary spare parts and fuel. - some practical measures should be carried out to ensure full exploitation of the agricultural machines; the average load of one unit should be no less than 150 hectares. – when exporting the machines from abroad, they should be tested out on the plot first, according to the local soil and climatic conditions. – the farmers should be supplied with mini tractors ( particularly with the mini tractors for the vineyards) considering the financial conditions of the farmers. – it is advisable to continue the project of buying moto-blocks in the acceptable prices, which will help the farmers to apply them for the small scale lands. – the practice of conducting seminars and training sessions for the farmers in the regions by the specialists of “Agrarico” should be carried out. – the project of training of the specialists of agriculture in the regions of Georgia should be drafted. It is highly advisable to organize such training sessions at the Academy of agriculture and the decision regarding this project should be carried out as soon as possible. Photo:The participants of the Round Table were greeted by the President of the Academy Acad. G. Aleksidze Photo:The participants of the Round Table were greeted by the vice president of the Academy Acad. Givi Japaridze. |
Information The meeting of agro-engineering scientific department
On July 8, 2015, a meeting of the agro-engineering department of the Academy was held. The meeting attended the vice president, acad. Givi Japaridze, the staff members of the department Acad. R. Makharoblidze, Sh. Chalaganidze, J. Katsitadze, A. Vashakidze, Acad. Member correspondent E. Shapakidze, the vice president A. Giorgadze, chief specialist G. Mosashvili. The participants also were the employees of agro-engineering scientific research center at the Ministry of Agriculture: N. Ebanoidze, O. karchava, V. Maruashvili, N. Natadze, G. Kutelia, Sh. Macharashvili, the editor of agricultural journal “New agrarian Georgia”, G. Kurdiani, the director of the Ltd. “ Sakagroservisi”, the head of the non-governmental organization “ The Union of landowners and mechanizators”. The meeting participants listened to the information on the following topics: 1. The results of the work of the International Congress in Varna - the presenter, acad. J. Katsitadze and co-presenter Givi Kurdiani. 2. Information on the work carried out by agro-engineering service of scientific- research center at the Ministry of Agriculture. The presenter was Dr. Nugzar Ebanoidze. Regarding the above-mentioned presentations the department meeting adopted the corresponding resolution. Photo: GAAS agro-engineering meeting |
Information Round Table On July 14, 2015, at GAAS, on the initiative of the coordinator of viticulture direction, acad. N. Chkhartishvili and his team members a Round Table discussion was held on the following topic: “ Measures for protection and rehabilitation of the vineyards damaged by hail.” The Round table was headed by the GAAS President acad. Guram Aleksidze and the participants were: Acad. G. margvelashvili, G. Badrishvili, I. Vasadze, J. Oniani, G. Tsagurishvili, R. Chagelashvili. Sh. Chalaganidze, R. Makharoblidze, correspondent members of the Academy, E. Shapakidze, O. Liparteliani, T, Turmanidze, vice president, Dr. A. Giorgadze and Dr. G. Mosashvili. Also some invited guests – The Head of Wine National Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, G. Samanishvili, the staff members of the Agency, Prof. D. Maghradze and I. Mdinaradze. The head of atmospheric physics department of the research Institute of Geo-physics, A. Amiranashvili and chief specialist V. Chikhladze, the head of Agro-engineering department N. Ebanoidze, and the honorable viticulture specialist, inventor, A. Orjonikidze, and other persons. The following problems were raised at the Round table: the actuality of the problems, the results of the activities carried out in Georgia, the present situation and perspectives ( Acad. N. Chkhartishvili), measures for protection and rehabilitation of the vineyards damaged by hail ( I. Mdinaradze), the results of active measures taken against the damaged vine by hail ( A. amiranashvili, V. Chikhladze), the results of covering vineyards by protecting nets in Georgia and future perspectives. (N. Chkhartishvili). The Round table participants expressed their opinion on argent problems discussed at the meeting: Acad. Sh. Chalaganidze, I. Vasadze, J. Oniani, member-correspodent E. Shapakidze, O. Loparteliani, T. Turmanidze and the invited guests – D. Maghradze, and A. Orjonikidze. On the basis of the opinions expressed on the meeting a consequent decision was adopted which should be sent to the corresponding institutions. It was also stipulated that the same type meetings should be held in different regions of Georgia. Photo: A hall of Round table, the speech delivered by Acad. Guram Aleksidze. Photo: Acad. N. Chkhartishvili makes a panel presentation |
Information A visiting seminar in Tsilkani On the initiative of the GAAS agrarian scientific-research department, a visiting seminar was organized at Tsilkani testing base of agricultural scientific-research center on July 15, 2015. The following members of the GAAS participated: The President, Acad. G. Aleksidze, acad. G. Margvelashvili, N. Chkhartishvili, G. Tsagurishvili, R. Chagelishvili, member -correspondent O. Loparteliani and E. Shapakidze, and the vice-president Dr. A. Giorgadze. The representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture took part in the work of the seminar. The Deputy minister, I. Nozadze, the vice-director of the scientific-research center G. Basilaya, the head of the department, Dr. N. Kakabadze, head of office Prof. N. Ebanoidze, and Dr. G. Tsereteli, the head of laboratory, Dr. K. Mchedlishvili, and others. The key speaker of the meeting was the chief specialist of the annual plants department, Acad. member correspondent O. Loparteliani who informed the participants about the results of selection and seed-production process of annual plants, such as wheat and corn. He also presented the description of registered patents of new breeds of corn. The following participants delivered the information to the participants: I. Nozadze, N. kakabadze, G. Aleksidze, N. Chkhartishvili, G. Tsagurushvili, G. Margvili, and others. Some show-case demonstrations were organized in testing plots, where different new breeds of corn, wheat, barley, beans, tobacco, and other cultures are being tested. The seminar participants listened to the presentations on different topics; the presenters were N. Kakabadze, O. Liparteliani, G. Tsereteli. N. Ebanoidze. They also presented new breeds of vegetable cultures, such as cucumber and tomato, and told to the listeners many interesting details regarding selecting work. The representatives of the GAAS, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the research centers came to the conclusion that the organized seminar was very fruitful and it would be helpful to carry out the same format in other regions as well. Also it was decided to keep a close cooperation and work on the scientific problems together with the scientific-research centers. The seminar was directed by the deputy of Ministry of Agriculture Iuri Nozadze, the President G. Aleksidze, and the the deputy head of the scientific-research center – G. Basiladze. About selection process and breed testing member-correspondent O. Liparteliani had a conversation with the seminar participants. Photos: The seminar participants on the testing plot. From left: A. Giorgadze, O. Liparteliani, G. Tsagurishvili, G. Aleksidze, G. Margvelashvili, I. Nozadze. N. Chkhartishvili, E. Shapakidze. G. Basiladze |
Information Ukrainian Guests at the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences On July 16, the Ukrainian delegation visited the Academy. The delegation was presented with the following members: Dr. Prof. Stanislav Nikolaenko, the Rector of the National University of Bio-resources and Nature-use of Ukraine, Kiev, Dr. Prof. Kondratiuk, the dean of the Faculty of Water resources from the same university, Dr. Vadim Tkachuk, the head of the International Relations Department. From the Academy, the meeting participants were the following persons: Acad. Guram Aleksidze, Member correspondent Elguja Shapakidze, and the Vice-President Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze. Prof. Nikolaenko, the Rector, spoke about the the Ukraine University and the planned activities which would be carried out with the help of GAAS. The National University of Bio-resources and Nature-use of Ukraine is one of the leading study and scientific centers in Ukraine. It comprises three study and science institutes, thirteen faculties, ten study and scientific branch institutes in different regions of Ukraine. The University has 26 000 students, 600 postgraduate students, and 2600 personnel out of which three hundred are doctors of sciences and professors, and more than one hundred candidate of sciences. The meeting participants primarily discussed the extent and quality of the work that had been carried out within the framework of the Agreement on Partnership between the two parties. Acad. Guram Aleksidze talked about the history of the Academy and its structure, highlighted the important directions in the work of the Academy, and expressed his wish to intensify the relationship between the two entities. Photo: The meeting of GAAS academicians and representatives of Ukraine State National University of Bio-resources and Nature-use. |
The Guests of the Academy from the International Center of Potato study. On August 11, 2015, the Academician Guram Aleksidze, the President of GAAS, greeted Dr. Julian Parris, the Director of International Center of Potato study (Asian region), Rusudan Mdivani, the Scientific Coordinator of Central Asia and Caucasus regions, and Dr. Josef Turock, the Regional Coordinator of Central Asia and Caucasus. Member correspondent Elguja Shapakidze participated in the meeting. The major topic of the meeting discussion was the problems related to the development of potato production, testing and implementing of new breeds and technologies considering local normal- climatic conditions of the region. In this direction, The Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences bears the function of a coordinator who monitors the introduction and implementation processes. The both sides expressed their willingness to support the idea of foundation of the international department of potato study which will address the Caucasus regional problems. The project aims the introduction of new breeds of potato which will reveal stability towards Colorado bugs and phytophthora. The abovementioned project will be sent to the Academy for further discussion and revision. After the Academy has prepared its conclusions, the implementation process will start. The guests got information about the International Scientific Conference which will be held by the GAAS, November 4-6, on “ Global Warming and Biodiversity”, and expressed their willingness to participate in this global forum. Photo: GAAS President, Acad. G. Aleksidze with the representatives of International Center of Potato Studies. |
The Meeting of GAAS President and the Head of the Agrarian Committee of Georgian Parliament
On Sept. 9, 2015, in theAgrarian Committee of Georgian Parliament, a meeting was held between the President of the Academy Guram Aleksidze and the Head of the Committee Gela Samkharauli. The meeting was attended by Iveri Akhalbedashvili, head of stuff, and the Deputy of President of the Academy, Dr. Anatoli Giorgadze. The participants discussed the the potential of scientific development of agrarian sector, and the effectiveness of the implemented researches in agriculture. It was mentioned that for the last two decades, there has been very few examples when the scientific research results in agriculture have been implemented and used in practice. The farmers nowadays lack knowledge in farming and particularly in application of modern technologies; so, the farmers and agrarian specialists need assistance in this direction. According to Gela Samkharauli, one of the priorities of the current authorities is the development of agriculture, and success in this direction will be achieved through close cooperation between science and practice. The meeting was held on initiative of the Head of Agrarian Committee and its central point was to demonstrate that the use of scientific potential in agriculture has no alternatives. The President of the Academy Guram Aleksidze spoke about the main directions of the activities intended by the Academy, about its international contacts, also referred to the work carried out in the direction of raising the farmers’ qualification, and other projects. He also announced short information about the projects prepared by the Academy which are also within the scope of interests of Georgian Government. The meeting participants discussed legal aspects of their cooperation, and the President presented his suggestions on this account which will be reviewed within the shortest period of time by the Committee.
Photo: The Meeting at the Agrarian Committee of Georgian Parliament. |
A Jubilee of Academician Nodar Chkhartishvili On September 17, The Academy congratulates with the 85 year jubilee to the distinguished Georgian scholar, scientist, an internationally acknowledged specialist and expert, real member of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the academician and Vice President of International Academy of Viticulture and Wine-making, the owner of the highest award of Georgian Church “St. George”, First State Premium and other award owner – Academician Nodar Chkhartishvili. The Scientific Board of the GAAS congratulates Acad. N. Chkhartishvili with his jubilee, and wishes him health, a many-year fruitful scientific and social work.
Photo: At the meeting Vice President of the Academy, Givi Japaridze greets academician N. Chkhartishvili.
Photo: an extended presentation about creative life and scientific work of N. Chkhartishvili was delivered by acad. G. Margvelashvili Photo: One group of the participants of the event
The 6th Meeting of the Global Forum
On September 14-17 in Kirgizstan, (Isi –Kuli ) the 6th yearly meeting of Consulting Service Global Forum in Agriculture” was held. 150 representatives from five continents of the world took part in the Global Forum the main subject matter of which was “The best practice of agriculture service” and it envisaged the sharing of best practices existed in different countries. From Georgian side, the President of GAAS, Acad. Guram Alexsidze participated in the forum. other members of Georgian delegation were: the Deputy Head of the the Department, M. Gelashvili, the head of the Imereti Regional Center, R. Dzidzishvili, and D. Birkadze, L. Basishvili, and B. Muller, the Head of Consulting Center in Georgia. In the report on “Work carried out by the Consulting Centers in Georgia” presented on the meeting, the role of the Academy in the decision process of important problems was mentioned. In this as well as in other presentations, the role of the Academy, and the efforts conducted by this body was outlined. Namely, the Academy has published more than fifty methodological recommendations for the farmers, and from the next year, the permanent training courses for the field specialists and farmers will be opened. In the work of the training courses, the members of the Academy and the invited lecturers will be actively involved. At the end of the meeting, it was offered to conduct the next session of Global Forum on Central Asia and North Caucasus problems in Georgia.
Photo: One group of the Global Forum Participants: GAAS President G. Aleksidze, B. Muller, the Head of Consulting Center in Georgia, |
Agro-engineering grant projects financed by the Rustaveli National Foundation Round Table On Sept, 29, 2015, In the conference hall of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences a round Table was held, on: “Projects financed by Rustaveli National Foundation in the field of agro-engineering”. The discussion was held round the scientific projects which were conducted, or directed by the Academy and financed by the Rustaveli National Foundation, such as: -“ Developing methods of Physical and Mathematical modeling of the operation of the agricultural machines over the slopes”. The scientific supervisor, acad. Revaz Makharoblidze, and Doctor of Technical Sciences, Zaza Makharoblidze. The project fulfillment period - 2013-2016. -“Use of percussion theory and rheology in agricultural technological processes treatment of machinery and tools”. The supervisor - the Acad., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Revaz Makharoblidze. The project fulfillment period - 2014-2017. -“Working out the methodology of definition of nomenclature and quantity of necessary agricultural machinery for efficient agricultural industry based on calculations of energy consumption technological processes in a region according to the cultures and the areas occupied by them”. The Supervisor – Acad., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Elguja Shapakidze. Time period of conducting the scientific work 2015-2018. -“Theoretical and experimental calculations and optimization of resource-saving innovative technologies for the increase of safety of modern agricultural technologies.” The project supervisor – the Acad., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Jemal Katsitadze. The project fulfillment period 2015-2018. The work of the Round Table was summarized by Acad. Revaz Makharoblidze. At the end of the meeting the members specified the necessity of organizing regular meetings for effective monitoring of the grant topics. |
Information The decision of Academic Board Meeting of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences. (The decision No 12, September 30, 2015). The GAAS Academic Board discussed the issue of resuming a temporarily interfered contest planned for 26th of March, 2015, for the election of real members of the Academy. (“Sakartvelos Respublika”, 6 March, No 42). Speaker, Acad. Guram Aleksidze. The Academic Board meeting concluded the following: Resume a temporarily interfered contest (“Sakartvelos Respublika”, 6 march, No 42) for the election of real members of the Academy. The following vacant positions are to be occupied: 1. In the Agrarian Scientific Department – specialty 0101 “ Agronomy”, specializations 010103 “Agro-technology” ( in the direction of subtropical cultures.) 2. Agro-engineering Scientific Department, - specialty 0415, “agro-engineering,” specialization 041502. M Mechanization of agriculture.
3. Scientific Department of Economy. Specialty 0701 “Economics”. The time period for the elections to take chairs in the vacant positions at the Academy is defined by the Academic Board according to the GAAS’s legislation. (Provision V). The contest candidates should deliver the necessary documentation until the 31st of October, 2015. 4. The following persons were approved as the members of the Contest Commission: - Acad. Napoleon Karkashadze – the Head of the Commision - Acad. Gogola Margvelashvili; - Acad. Revaz Makharoblishvili - Acad. Omar keshelashvili. |
In September, 2015, the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences published the book on: “The Predictions of Agriculture Development in Georgia”. The authors of the book are: Academicians: Guram Aleksidze, Givi Japaridze, and Omar Keshelashvili.
The aim of the scientific research is to determine strategic directions of development of every field of agrarian sciences; to find out the theoretical, methodological, and operational priorities and problems, as well as new areas of scientific investigations and positive systematic approaches to those fields. Rational decisions and methodically proven ways of solving the problems of agrarian sciences should be worked out based on the future perspectives of scientific-resource potential, considering technical, technological, and material resources necessary for its fulfillment. The book discusses necessary directions in development of scientific work regarding each field of agriculture, among them, plant study, cattle breeding, processing industry and agrarian economy.
Round Table The present situation, problems and perspectives of exporting of Georgian agrarian products
In the conference hall of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, on October 28, 2015, a round table regarding – “The present situation, problems and perspectives of exporting of Georgian agrarian products” was held. The discussion participants were: Acad. O. Keshelashvili, T. Kunchulia, N. Karkashadze, and member cor. of Academy Paata Koghuashvili. They analyzed the problems of export potential of agricultural products of Georgia, capacity and future perspectives of Georgian processing industry, the existed problems in this sphere and approaches to sustainable management. |
The Scientific Seminar: The ways to solve the existed problems in Agro-ecology in Georgia
On October 29, 2015, a scientific seminar on: “The existed problems in Agro-ecology of Georgia and the ways of solving them” was held. The seminar was opened with a speech of member correspondent of the Academy, Tamaz Turmanidze. Presentation about Present climate changes and some natural calamities dangerous for agriculture was delivered by Dr. of Sciences, M. Shvangiradze (the Head of the Agency of climate change at the Ministry of Environment Protection) and B. Beritashvili (Georgian Technical University). The influence of climate change in Eastern Georgia was discussed by member-correspondent T. Turmanidze in his article. Dr. of Science A. Sikharulidze (Georgian Technical University) in his presentation drew attention to the productivity of agricultural product under the conditions of climate change. The Doctors of Sciences G. Meladze and M. Meladze explored the affect of climate change on subtropical cultures. (Institute of Meteorology of Georgian Technical University). The presentation of Dr. G. Gogichaishvili (The Department of Agro-melioration of the Ministry of Environment Protection) referred to the influence of natural calamities on the soil fertility. Doctorate student G.Tetradze spoke about the influence of climate change on economic data of lands. In the work of the seminar the academicians Zaur Chakseliani and Nodar Chkhartishvili also took part. The seminar discussions were summarized by Secretary of GAAS Agrarian Department, the acad. Gogola Margvelashvili. |
Information International Conference on country’s actual problems
On November 4-6 an international conference on: “Global Warming and Agro-biodiversity” was held. The conference problem is very important for the whole world including Georgia. The average temperature of the earth has increased by 0.74-0.80 centigrade, and in a long perspective, it is expected to be increased by 1,1-6,40 С. Because of global warming, the bio-diversity of the world will face a succession of problems. So a considerable attention should be paid to the problems of protection and sustainable use of bio-diversity in Georgia and in the world. The main purpose of the Conference sponsored by Sh. Rustaveli National Fund was to give opportunity to the scientists from different countries to exchange their knowledge and experience regarding present challenges of agro –biodiversity, import-export of genetic resources, and international experience adequate to modern technologies. The conference participants worked in three different sections: a. Global warming and agro-biodiversity in plant studies, b. Global warming and agro-biodiversity in cattle breeding, and c. Global warming and agro-biodiversity in agro-engineering. 146 scientific articles were presented, out of which 85 were from Georgia. Most of the articles were delivered during the conference. The representatives of 10 countries, such as, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Italy, North Ossetia and Georgia, as well as representatives of different non-governmental organizations, scientists and doctors of agrarian sciences, specialists of agriculture participated in this international event; the number of participants was about 160. The Deputy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, T. Marsagishvili, Deputy Ministers of Agriculture I. Nozadze and G. Tsopurashvili took part in the work of the Conference. The speeches were delivered by the representatives of different government and non-governmental organizations, as well as the representative of Georgian Church. At the end of the Conference a declaration - Tbilisi 2015 on three languages was adopted, which was sent to the Government of Georgia, to the governments of the guest participants of the Conference and to scientific institutions. During the Conference, several agreements on cooperation were signed between GAAS and National Agrarian University of Ukraine, between Cattle breeding and Food production Scientific Institute of Kazakhstan. On the initiative of GAAS and Agrarian University of Vinnitsa, Ukraine, a scientific agrarian journal “Agrarian Science and Food Technologies” was founded. The Journal will publish articles in four languages: Georgian, Ukrainian, Russian and English. Nov. 4-6, 2015,Tbilisi |
Information D e c l a r a t i o n of International Scientific Conference - “Global Warming and Agro- biodiversity” Tbilisi, 2015
On November 4-6, 2015, The Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences held an international Scientific Conference on: “Global Warming and Agro biodiversity”. One hundred and sixty leading scientists from ten different countries, agrarians, and young researchers, the representatives of different ministries, agencies and non-governmental organizations took part in the conference. The Conference participants discussed sensitive problems of global warming and agrobiodiversity, made some important conclusions and reached consensus on definite scientific problems. Main purpose of the Conference was to raise once again the critical issues regarding negative effects of the global warming on agriculture, and focus on important problems of preservation and defence of agrobiodiversity. The Conference aimed to remind to the governments of the nations about the challenges the world agriculture faces in the conditions of global warming and reducing of agrobiodiversity. Within the framework of the Conference, the scientists exchanged their opinions and experience, some recommendations have been offered aimed at reducing negative effects of the global warming, as well as the threat of deteriorating agro biodiversity which is a corn stone for food security for any country in the world.
The Conference adopted a Declaration which declares the significance of close cooperation among the scientists of different countries regarding global warming problems, as well as the importance of organizing regular international scientific forums. The Conference participants thank to the government of Georgia, the Shota Rustaveli National Scientific Fund, Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences for organizing such significant scientific forum, and agree on the following: § Negative effects of global warming on agriculture and agrobiodiversity is rather visible, as well as its rate of acceleration. Those problems are common for all countries, and they agree that in future their activities will be directed considering the ConventionsofKyoto and Cartagena. § It is important that politicians, citizens, non-governmental organizations, farmers and researchers are actively involved into series of activities directed towards solving the problems of preservation of agrobiodiversity which emerged in the result of global warming.
The Conference participants find it appropriate to: § Define modern world tendencies, approaches and principles for preservation of agrobiodiversity; select the best ones to work out further policy for preservation and defence of agrobiodiversity in the conditions of global warming. § Define a conception and mechanism of reaching agrobiodiversity for the purpose of rational preservation and management of national genetic resources on the level of each country which will be based on global agreement having considered major tendencies of warming. § Define the role of the government in preservation of agrobiodiversity in conditions of global warming. § Define, in the area of agrobiodiversity, the main principles of formation of national system and the principals of its directions, also its components, aims and purposes in conditions of global warming. § Enhance international cooperation in the area of training, teaching-learning, dissemination of the knowledge and sharing of the experience. Also, it is important to use legal instruments to support national administrations in their efforts to adopt and implement the policies directed towards preservation and sustainable utilization of agro biodiversity. § Consider the necessity of preservation of agrobiodiversity in the agrarian policy of every country as the necessary basis of food safely in the process of global warming. § Support and encourage each research, project and program which will be directed towards preservation and defence of agro biodiversity in global warming. § Direct scientific-research work to create new species of agricultural plants, animals and birds which will raise the level of agro biodiversity and support the process of formation of new breeds characterised by high productivity and adaptability to the results of negative effects of global warming. § Encourage protective measures in preserved territories for the conservation purposes of agrobiodiversity. Developing hunting industry as one of the active measure for conservation.
§ Enhance media role in informing population about the significance of protection and preservation of agrobiodiversity, negative effects of global warming, and the measures carried out to reduce its negative results which will undoubtedly increase the level of population involvement into the ongoing processes.
Finally, it is important to direct scientific-research work in agriculture towards development of resource-saving and innovative development technologies for the purpose of minimizing negative effects of global warming and maximizing preservation of biodiversity.
The participants of the Conference visit the Georgian Museum of Sericulture
On November 6, 2015, the participants of the International Conference “Global Warming and bio-diversity” visited the Museum of Sericulture. The Excursion was envisaged by the GAAS in the framework of the conference. The Museum is a unique cultural monument, founded in 1887 in Tbilisi on the base of Caucasian Sericulture, the founder of which was Nikolai Shavrov. Despite the difficulties, the museum is still functioning, and it is one of the important monuments of the Ministry of Georgian Culture and Protection of Monuments. The Museum is successfully directed by Ms. Nino Kuprava. The museum exhibits different unique artifacts which comprise mulberry tree, different breeds of coons and its origin, silk thread and fiber, also coloring substances, different models and tools of silk production. It should be mentioned that this museum is the only one of its type which is supported by the government; the same type museum located in Lion, France was passed to a private owners in the beginning of the 2000 year. |
On November 2-6-, in Washington (The US), a Fund Council Meeting of the Consortium of the Scientific Organizations of Agriculture was held in the Office of the World Bank. The members of the Fund Council, general directors of research centers and their council members and the representatives of the international organizations took part in the meeting. In the first two days the general directors of different international organizations (15 persons) presented a 5-year program of their work which was distributed among the participants beforehand. The only difference was that this time, the programs were set up based on “One portfolio” principal, which means that complex programs have been set up, and will be carried out by the Centers according to the problems it addresses. In the arid areas – the study oflegume plants; fish; forest and forest landscape; cattle breeding; corn/maize; wheat; rice; banana; climate change; gene banks; plants; nutrition and health; policy and marketing; water supplies; soils and ecosystem.
The other three meetings of the Fund was carried out in the Food Research Center in which Fund members participated from the following countries: America, Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, Australia, India, France, Great Britain, Belgium, Norwegian, Germany, Netherlands, Turkey, Nigeria, as well as from donor organizations: World Bank, European Union, I FAD, FAO, Bill and Melinda Gates’ Fund, and other representatives. Along with other issues, the proposals prepared by the CGIAR centers was discussed. The critical remarks were expressed which should be taken into consideration for the future meeting, which will take place in Rome, Italy in the office of FAO next year. Academician, the President of GAAS, Guram Aleksidze, who presented CGIAR Central Asia and South Caucasus Organization as its head took part in the meeting of the Fund Council. |
International Week of Science and Innovations Georgia 2015 International Week of Science and Innovations has been held in the Georgian and Caucasus regions for the first time in Tbilisi. The period of time the exhibition was organized was symbolic, as it was opened on the 10th of November, an International Day of Science, and was closed on the 17th, International Students’ Day. The exhibition of achievements in Science and Innovations of Georgia was displayed in the halls of exposition center “Expo-Georgia”. It presented scientific projects and the most recent additions in science. The exposition also hosted a number of public lectures on different topics. The Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences proudly presented its intellectual production, the results of hard work of its members, which included the following: the records of the last five years’ scientific and creative work, Scientific periodical Journal of the Academy “Moambe”; the Proceedings of International Scientific Conferences, (collection of articles), held in 2013, 2014, and 2015 by the Academy; the scientific and practical recommendations and text-books prepared by the members of the Academy. The banners presented at the exposition illustrated the logo of the Academy, the organization structure, the scope of its cooperation with the international organizations, scientific and education centers and world distinguished researchers. Among the visitors of the exposition were the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Gharibashvili, The minister of Education and Science – Tamar Sanikidze, The Members of Parliament, the representatives of Georgian Government, the Maier of Tbilisi, D. Narmania, the head of Tbilisi Meir Council, G. Alibegashvili, also the representatives of scientific and educational centers, students and other distinguished guests. The President of the Academy, Acad. Guram Aleksidze, Vice-President Givi Japaridze, and the Head of Academic Department Dr. A. Giorgadze and the President’s assistant Tina Epitashvili presented information to the guests regarding the works of the Academy offered at the exposition. Photo: The exposition of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences at the Science and Innovation exhibition “Expo- Georgia”. (10.11.2015) Photo: The visitors standing in front of the exposition : Vice President Givi Japaridze, The prime Minister I. Gharibashvili, G. Alibegashvili, The Ministry of Internally Displaced People – S. Subari, The minister of Education and Science Tamar Sanikidze, The Minister of Environment and Natiral Resources G. Agulashvili, The president of GAAS G. Aleksidze. From the left: Dr. A. Giorgadze, Acad. G. Japaridze, Acad. G. Aleksidze, Member/Acad. E. Shapakidze, Acad. O. Keshelashvili |
Scientific Conference At the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
On Nov. 13, 2015, at the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences a Scientific Conference on “ Genetic Resources of Georgian perennial plants and species” was held within the framework of the “Tbilisi International Week of Innovations and Sciences – Georgia 2015” (Nov. 10-17 , 2015) supported by The Ministry of Education and Sciences. The conference was attended by the following members: The President of GAAS G. Aleksidze. Dr. A. Giorgadze, Vice-President, Acad. G. Japaridze, Member/Acad. E. Shapakidze, Acad. N. Karkashadze, the Head of the Scientific Council, real members and member academicians of the Academy, also invited guests from the scientific-research centers and other organizations working in the field of agriculture. The Head of Scientific Department of Georgian Ministry of Education and Science - N. Chitaia attended the Conference. The Conference was directed by GAAS President Acad. G. Aleksidze. Interesting presentations were delivered by the participants, namely, by: Academicians N. Chkhartishvili, and V. Kvaliashvili; also by the Doctors of Agricultural Sciences: Gagoshidze, V. Todua, T. Kacharava, D. Magradze. The presenters’ responses to the questions asked by the participants regarding the presented problems - were methodical and detailed. The following persons took part in the discussions after the presentations: the academicians R. Chagelishvili, G. Badrishvili, Z. Chakseliani, and Doctor N. Goginashvili. The Conference was summed up by Vice-President, Acad. G. Japaridze, the Head of Scientific Department of Georgian Ministry of Education and Science - N. Chitaia, and by GAAS President Acad. G. Aleksidze. Photo: The opening Ceremony of the Scientific Conference: The GAAS President G. Aleksidze Photo: The Conference Hall of the Academy Photo: The Head of Scientific Department of Georgian Ministry of Education and Science – N. Chitaia during his presentation |
Information (20.11.2015) The GAAS Academic Board discussed the issue of resuming a temporarily interfered contest planned for 26th of March, 2015, for the election of real members of the Academy. (“Sakartvelos Respublika”, 6 March, No 42). Speaker, Acad. Guram Aleksidze. According to the Decision of the Academic Board of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia (#12, Sept. 30, 2015), A contest, which was advertised in Georgian press “Saqartvelos Respublika” , #42 (7687) for the election of real members of the Academy, will be resumed. The following vacant positions are to be occupied:
1.1. In the Agrarian Scientific Department – specialty 0101 “ Agronomy”, specializations 010103 “Agro-technology” ( in the direction of subtropical cultures.) - 1 position 1.2. Agro-engineering Scientific Department, - specialty 0415, “Agro-engineering,” specialization 041502. ”Mechanization of agriculture” - 1 position
1.3. Scientific Department of Economy. Specialty 0701 “Economics”. The time period for the elections to take chairs in the vacant positions at the Academy is defined by the Academic Board according to the GAAS’s legislation. (Provision V). The contest candidates should deliver the necessary documentation until the 31st of October, 2015. According to the regulation of the GAAS (Chapter V) on filling the vacant positions advertised by the Academy, the deadline for submission of documents from the applicants was defined 31st October, 2015.\ The Commission on examining and selecting the candidates discussed the submitted documents and according to the rules of the contest decided to present the following candidates for further consideration by the scientific departments. These candidates are:
- In the Agrarian Scientific Department – specialty 0101 “ Agronomy”, specializations 010103 “Agro-technology” ( in the direction of subtropical cultures.) - Member-correspondent of the Academy Rezo Jabnidze;
- Agro-engineering Scientific Department, - specialty 0415, “Agro-engineering,” specialization 041502. ”Mechanization of agriculture” - Member-correspondent of the Academy Elguja Shapakidze; - Scientific Department of Economy. Specialty 0701 “Economics”.–Giorgi Nikoleishvili and Paata Koghuashvili. ------------- On the 12th November 2015, the Meeting of Scientific Agro-engineering department was held, which issued recommendation to Member-correspondent of the Academy Elguja Shapakidze for participation in the contest specialty - 0415, “Agro-engineering,” specialization041502, ”Mechanization of agriculture”;
------------- On the 16th November 2015, the Meeting of Scientific department of Agronomy was held, which issued recommendation to Member-correspondent of the Academy Rezo jabnidze for participation in the contest specialty - 0101, “Agronomy” specialization 010103 “Agro-technology” in the direction of sub-tropical culture.
------------- On the 19th November 2015, the Meeting of Scientific department of Economy was held, which issued recommendation to Member-correspondents of the Academy Giorgi Nikoleishvili and Paata Koghuashvili for participation in the contest specialty - 0701, “Economy” in the direction of sub-tropical culture.
--------- A short description of the candidates applying for the vacant positions at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
1. Jabnidze, Rezo Khasan. Date of Birth: 18.01.1956. The specialty according to the diploma: Learned Specialist of Sub-tropical Cultures. Agronomist – Georgian Scientific Institute of Subtropical Cultures; - Academic position occupied: Full Professor of Batumi Shota Rustaveli University, the Head of Dissertation Board. - Scientific degree: The Doctor of Agricultural Sciences; - Title: Professor, the member of GAAS since 07.09.1995; The number of scientific works conducted by him – 175, among them: 4 text-books and 7 monographs; The number of inventions and practical innovative proposals – two; The State honorable medals and awards: Medal of Honor(1999), Honorable award of the Achara Supreme Council (2000), Iakob Gogebashvili Award, Honorable citizen of Khelvachauri region Award, The title of the Best Professor of Batumi University.
The Address: City of Batumi, Mtsvane Kontskhi, tel.: 577 -17-97-58. 555-12-64-58. The main direction of his activities: Agronomy – tea and citruses.
2. Shapakidze Elguja, Davit Date of Birth: 20.05.1942. The specialty according to the diploma: Engineer- Mechanich, The Georgian Institute of Agriculture; - Academic position occupied: The Head of Academic Department at GAAS; - Scientific degree: The Doctor of Technical Sciences; - Title: Professor, the member of GAAS since 07.09.1995; The number of scientific works conducted by him – 200, among them -7 text-books and 1 monograph – a fundamental research; The number of inventions and rational proposals – -10 – inventions; - 7 patents; -6 practical innovative proposals; State awards: medal for “The Distinguished Work” (1988), Medal of Honors (1999), award for “The Best Engineer of the year” (2007). Address:- Tbilisi, 13, Petriashvili Street. Apart. 4; tel.: 2 23 02 93; 577 7117 75. Direction of the activities: - Mechanization of Agriculture, Mechanization of Sericulture.
3. Nikoleishvili Giorgi Vasili Date of Birth: 30.12.1930; The specialty according to the diploma: Agronom – Economist; The Georgian Institute of Agriculture; - Academic position occupied: - Scientific degree: The Doctor of Economic Sciences; - Title: Professor, the member of GAAS since 07.09.1995; The number of scientific works conducted by him - 158; The number of inventions and rational proposals – - 5 – inventions; - the author of two new breeds.
State awards: Medal of Honor (1999), Two State Medals. Address:- Tbilisi, 3, Eristavi Street. Apart. 6; tel.: 599 56 58 84; Direction of the activities : - Economy of Agriculture, Sericulture.
Koghuashvili Paata Petre Date of birth – 05.09.1956. Specialty according to diploma: Economy of Agriculture, The Institute of Agriculture. Occupied position - Full Professor, the Department of Engineering and Economy, Georgian Technical University. Scientific degree – Doctor of Economy Title – professor, the member-correspondent of GAAS since 16.07.2004. The number of scientific works – 217, among them – 7 monographs; 4 - text-books; The number of inventions and rational proposals - State awards: Rewarded with Akaki Tsereteli Premium (1995). Address: 8, Zakariadze str, app.35. tel.: 2 39 97 75. 597 33 34 75. Main direction: Economy of Agriculture |
Information The Guests from the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
On the 30th of November, 2015 the Academy of Agricultural Sciences welcomed the guests from the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: the Vice-President of the Academy, acad. Mikheil Bashenko and the Secretary of Scientific Department of Veterinary Medicine, member-correspondent, Nikoloz Mandikhra. The honorable guests were greeted by the President of the Academy, acad. Guram Aleksidze, Vice President, acad. Givi Japaridze, the Head of Academic Department, acad. Elguja Shapakidze, The Coordinator of Scientific Departments – Dr. A. Giorgadze, and the Assistant of the president in international relations – Tina Epitashvili. In the meeting, held at the Academy also participated the following guests from different organizations: Dr. Basiladze, the Vice Director of Scientific- Research Center at the Ministry of Agriculture, Chief Specialists, Sh. Potskhveria and M. Lominaishvili, the leading specialists Ts. Kiliptari and E. kalandia. The presentations were made by acad. Guram Aleksidze, acad. Givi Japaridze, acad. Elguja Shapakidze, and Dr. A. Giorgadze. The information regarding the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was delivered by President of the Academy, acad. Mikheil Bashenko and the Secretary of Scientific Department of Veterinary Medicine, member-correspondent, Nikoloz Mandikhra. They talked about the structure and scientific directions of the Academy, the research institutes and scientific laboratories affiliated to it. Also the discussion dealt with the role of Government in the process of improving the overall performance of the Academy. The Georgian and Ukrainian specialists exchanged their knowledge and experience regarding definite problems existed in the fields of veterinary, diseases, the work of vet services, the activities to reduce risks in cattle breeding. The presentations of the Scientific-research Center representatives were focused on sharing with the colleagues the results of their researches and the future goals of the Center. By the end of the meeting, the parties expressed their willingness to strengthen the ties and sign a memorandum of partnership between the two academies. The text of the memorandum will be a result of cooperation between the two sides and it will strengthen the contacts and support close collaboration around existed problems in agriculture; also within the framework of the memorandum, the training and raising qualification of the young specialists will be considered.
Photo: meeting with the Ukrainian guests. Information about the Academy is delivered by Vice- President Acad. Givi Japaridze Photo: one of the directions of the activity – Mechanization of Agriculture; mechanization of sericulture Photo: Exhibition Hall of the Academy. From left – the President of the Academy, G.Aleksidze, and Vice-President of the Academy, acad. Mikheil Bashenko.
Information Stuffing the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia
On Dec. 3, 2015 the meeting held at the GAAS was dedicated to the elections of new real members of the Academy (academicians). In the result of secret balloting, the following members were elected real members of the Academy.
-In Agrarian Scientific Department – specialty 0101 “Agronomy”, specializations 010103 “Agro-technology” (in the direction of subtropical cultures.) - Member-correspondent of the Academy Rezo Jabnidze; Ø -In Agro-engineering Scientific Department - specialty 0415, specialization 041502,”Mechanization of agriculture” - Member-correspondent of the Academy, Dr. of Technical Sciences, Elguja Shapakidze. -In Scientific Department of Economy. Specialty 0701 “Economics”– the member correspodent, Dr. of Economic Sciences, Professor, Paata Koghuashvili. The Scientific Board of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences congratulates distinguished representatives of science with the honor of becoming the real members of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia.
Information Scientific Conference at the Academy
On December 4th, 2015 in the premises of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences a Scientific Conference was dedicated to the following problem: “The Role of Soils in the growth of the country’s economy, in the process of preservation of biodiversity and sustainable development of agriculture.” The conference was held in the framework of International Year of Soils declared by the United Nations. The members of the GAAS and the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia took part in the Conference, namely, the Minister of Agriculture, O. Danelia, Deputy minister, G. Geleishvili, The consultants of the minister T. Kunchulia, O. Kacharava and Sh. Kikalishvili, also T. Marsagishvili, Deputy Minister of the Georgian Ministry of Science and Education, the Head of Science Department of the same Ministry – N. Chitaia, The Department of protection of land resources and soil service at the Ministry of Protection of Environment and Soil Service N. Chikovani. The Director of Scientific-Research Center at the Ministry of Agriculture, L. Ujmajuridze and the Deputy Director G. Basiladze, the staff members of the Centre, and the representatives of Georgian National Academy, Agrarian and Technical universities, and non-governmental organization. The Conference was opened with the speech of the President of the GAAS, acad. Guram Aleksidze. The participants were also welcomed by the Minister of Agriculture O. Danelia, The Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, T. Marsagishvili, From the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, N. Chikovani.
Interesting views on the problems were expressed by acad. G. Margvelashvili, member of GAAS, the academicians of Georgian National Academy - T. Urushadze and Dr. T. Kvrivishvili, also Dr. of Sciences T. Chkheidze from Tbilisi State University, Gugushvili Institute of Economics. The articles were delivered by the professor of Georgian Technical University – G. Gagoshidze, academicians, the members of GAAS – R. Makharoblidze and P. Koghuashvili, and the representative of National Environment Agency G. Gogichaishvili. The participants took active part in the work of the Conference, expressed their noteworthy opinion regarding the problem discussed. L. Gligvashvili, a representative of National Academy, Acad. T. Kurashvili, Dr. of Science V. Todua, and other participants spoke about urgent problems of soil protection. The Conference work was summarized by N. Chitaia, the Head of Science Department of the Ministry of Education and Science, and the Vice-President of GAAS Acad. Givi Japaridze. At he end of the Conference, the participants passed a resolution and declared some recommendations. It was decided to prepare for publication the Conference Proceedings under the supervision of E. Shapakidze, the Head of Academic Department of GAAS.
Photo: Opening of the Conference. From left – Minister of Agriculture O. Danelia,The President of GAAS, Acad. Guram Aleksidze, Vice- President, Acad. Givi Japaridze.
International Forum of Innovative Technologies in the United States On December 8-9, 2015, Acad. Nugzar Baghaturia, Director of Research Institute of Food Production attended International Forum held in New York which was dedicated to importance of innovative technologies in production of competitive agricultural product. Acad. N. Baghaturia had business meetings during which foreign specialists were given opportunity to explore the export capabilities of Georgian agricultural product. Particular interest among American colleagues raised Georgian hazelnut oil. The specialists and businessmen expressed their willingness to introduce Georgian hazelnut oil into American market. |
Information The meeting dedicated to food safety problems On December 29, 2015, a special group of specialists which was set up at the Ministry of Agriculture to work out recommendations regarding the food safety held a meeting and discussed final suggestion. The meeting was supported by international organization “Oxfam” and the following members of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences participated in it, namely, acad. G. Aleksidze, Vice President acad. G. Japaridze, academicians Nodar Chitanava, Jemal Gugushvili, Tamaz Kunchulia, Anatoli Giorgadze, a Deputy President. Food safety is one of the major directions of the country’s agricultural policy; accordingly, a group of specialists was set up at the Ministry of Agriculture to work out some recommendations regarding the food safety problems. The recommendations will serve as guidelines for the further working plan in the food safety program worked out by the Ministry of Agriculture. The group of specialists was headed by Gocha Tsopurashvili, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture who stated that the topic is very vast and many details should be considered, also, it is important to plan thoroughly, and implement the policy step by step. “ We should outline the priorities in the policy, relevant units and institutions responsible for implementation, and carry out work gradually in order to achieve stability in guaranteeing food safety”, mentioned G. Tsopurashvili. As Levan Dadiani, the Oxfam program manager of agriculture and food safety stated, in order to implement the abovementioned food safety recommendations, it is necessary to work out a long-term state program and achieve coordination between the relevant units. In a discussion following the meeting, the following members of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences participated: Acad. G. Aleksidze, Vice President, acad. G. Japaridze, Acad. Nodar Chitanava. A group of specialists set up to work out relevant recommendations for food safety unites the representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and its units, the members of GAAS, and other independent experts. |